Examining the differences of food-related behavior in two different countries

Abstract Purpose Study location may cause a different type of socio-demographic, body mass index (BMI), study intensity and food-related behavior. The increasing number of Indonesia students who study abroad to Taiwan is interesting to be examined those factors related. The purpose of this study is to examine the food-related behavior of Indonesian college students in…

Rural–Urban Differences in Dietary Behavior and Obesity: Results of the Riskesdas Study in 10–18-Year-Old Indonesian Children and Adolescents

Obesity has become a significant problem for developing countries, including Indonesia. High duration of sedentary activity and high intake of unhealthy foods were associated with high risk of overweight and obesity. The objective of this study was to compare the distributions of sedentary activity and dietary behavior with overweight/obesity risks between urban and rural areas…

Roles of Sedentary Behaviors and Unhealthy Foods in Increasing the Obesity Risk in Adult Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional National Study

Sedentary behaviors and dietary intake are independently associated with obesity risk. In the literature, only a few studies have investigated gender differences for such associations. The present study aims to assess the association of sedentary behaviors and unhealthy foods intake with obesity in men and women in a comparative manner. The analysis presented in this…

Simposium Gizi Nasional 2015

Himpunan Mahasiswa Gizi Kesehatan (HIMAGIKA) bekerja sama dengan Program Studi S1 Gizi Kesehatan FK UGM telah usai mengadakan Simposium Gizi Nasional 2015. Simposium Gizi Nasional (SGN) diadakan pada tanggal 7 November 2015 bertempat di Auditorium Fakultas Kedokteran UGM. Pada tahun ini, Simposium Gizi Nasional mengangkat tema sindroma metabolic dan mengundang tiga pembicara baik nasional dan…